

Sunday, October 12, 2014

10 Traits Should Mental owned An Entrepreneur


mbojosouvenir.net - Among us all the potential to become an Entrepreneur. Being An Entrepreneur can be trained, and of course, references are available in many media. However, if the entrepreneur becomes easy A? Easy answer is yes, as long as more than a buddy Mbojo work that people do in general. For example, now buddy wants to earn money Mbojo 50 million, if morale buddy Mbojo only as high as 5 million, would not be possible to get 50 million as desirable. Well, to encourage longer for my friends who want to track entrepreneurship, can now breathe easily, because we will give you info about 10 Distinctive Mental owned Should a enterpreneur.

Here are 10 Tips on How to Get out of the "Comfort Zone" (Comfort Zone)

mbojosouvenir.net - Are you sure you want to get out of the Comfort Zone? If my friend Mbojo ready with it, be prepared for more air-Skill is not owned by many people. By The Way dong well already know about the term "Comfort Zone" aka "Comfort Zone". Mbojo buddy around the current course has a different dose of his Comfort Zone. The atmosphere is comfortable, monotonous and repetitive like that every day can be a debilitating brain and creativity we know sob. Of the many people in this world, is not yet well aware of the term's Comfort Zone. Comfort zone is a state where all-round comfortable, you have been stuck in a system that has been made ​​and you stay running. However, buddy wanted Mbojo not if earning more than ever ?! Hehehe (* Slightly inciting hehehe). If you want, here are 10 Tips on How to Get out of the Comfort Zone (Comfort Zone).

1 Find New references and Hobbies

Repetitive activity for a week would make us look as if like a robot without really stiff. To help buddy Mbojo out of the Comfort Zone, must pay attention to the reference. References constantly evolving, continuously updated reference, because it's not impossible, if we are using the old reference, we will be left far behind by the people around. Likewise with the hobby, buddy Mbojo really need to find a hobby that sharpen the brain, focus and skill. No need to elaborate hobby, find a hobby that you can hone critical and build excitement over your work.

2 Consistent with Intention and Perform your best

Intention already, references already, the material should be done already. Well, the next is consistent with the intent and do your best. To further strengthen the way out of the comfort zone, buddy Mbojo should be consistent, do not get too by another person who has been taking "good position" at this time. Busy right with your original destination, rest assured that if we do a good intention, all will be missed bro.

3 Take advantage of the opportunity, the chance is around us

Many people thought earlier that if you want something he said "Wait there is a chance". Well bro, basically the opportunity is always there. Not just once, but many times. It's just that we have to be more observant take advantage of the opportunity. Sometimes the arrival of an unexpected opportunity and from any direction. Take advantage of this opportunity. We ignore beforehand about the risks, take the first opportunity. Once the opportunity is taken, then we record the possibility of risk.

4. Speculation important, but be careful

Every activity we necessarily involves an agreement and approval. Difficulties encountered will determine the quality of our perspective. So no wonder, many a blunder or made ​​a mistake when making decisions. Take decisions wisely. Speculation is very important, but continue to be cautious.

5 Expand the Connection

If my friend Mbojo is still idealistic and still use fear ideology unrivaled, sayan really sob. We really important for connections multiply, multiply friends. Ever heard the saying "A lot of friends, a lot of sustenance"? If my friend Mbojo confident with it, buddy Mbojo sure there will be no such thing as idealistic or limit friendship. Expand the connection, and anyone from any area. Expand konneksi will help buddy Mbojo to apply 10 Tips on How To Get Out Of Comfort Zone know.

6 Do not just intentions, do it now

Start everything with prayer, sincere and do intend to change. The first thing to be done is a strong intention, if there is no definite intention dong purpose well sob. If my friend had plunged Mbojo Outside The Comfort Zone, of body and soul must be total and remain consistent, because the new state is very different from the people who are in the Comfort Zone. However, in the end all buddy Mbojo hands. The excess out of the Comfort Zone there are 2 of Tasty and Delicious really hehehe: D.

7 Stay focused and Find the latest challenge

Calm down bro, this is not buddy Mbojo should suddenly re-signing of a workplace or perhaps change the way business is done. Mbojo buddy can stay focused with his work now, it's just added new challenges that can hone skills Mbojo buddy. Find something that triggers adrenaline and can make more increase your creativity. For example, now buddy Mbojo catfish farming business field, buddy could develop with the business Mbojo eat catfish place. By doing these new challenges there are 2 things that feel Mbojo buddy, earning first, second buddy Mbojo already helping someone else who is currently hard at finding a job.

8 Record shortages and strong suit

When was the last buddy Mbojo acknowledged shortcomings in self Mbojo buddy? Or perhaps you do not have a shortage again ?! hehehe, here sob. If my friend can Mbojo noted deficiencies and excess Mbojo buddy. Later will help you to determine the direction of your passion. Deficiency is certainly a shortage ranging from self and skillmu, if the excess is more dominate, doing work that into your strong suit. Well, it was reduced to strengthen its shortcomings excess.

9 Fix Small Things

If my friend Mbojo already recorded all the advantages and disadvantages, it is worth the little things that have been bothering buddy Mbojo performance improved as well. Sometimes someone wants to ignore appearance for reasons to be yourself. However, the one that may look neat and appear convincing. It is important sob, someone who gives a convincing performance will help to fix the other great things too you know. By fixing the little things that will help buddy Mbojo to run 10 Tips On How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone know.

10. Make something Different

To be someone who is out of the Comfort Zone, would be different from the dominant one. Not appear "weird" you know sob. But giving something different, even if pre-existing, at least buddy Mbojo can either be something new innovation. If custom buddy previously Mbojo many other people do, try befikir moment to do something different. Something if it is done the same way, then the result is 95% Same. 


Good luck bro, you can do that with your faith :)

Source: MbojoSouvenir 

10 Tips on How to Get Confidence Team

mbojosouvenir.net A business and leadership must be careful in determining teamworknya, certainly determine the team not because of friend, family or the element of "bad". Selecting the team would have to pay attention Credibility and Attitude. Because skill alone is not enough in a team. Then, many people are hard to believe by the team, because he might Fresh Graduate, or maybe his track record has not been qualified in a handle responsibility. Gaining the confidence of the team is very important, is related to the direction of travel business. Following this, buddy Mbojo will know more about Tips on How to Get Confidence of a Team, we summarized in 10 Tips on How to Get Confidence Team. Let's reading guys:)

Thursday, October 9, 2014




As long as I became a blogger, histats is a gadget that is very helpful in observing the performance of the blog. I have to discuss this histats because I have to discuss later how to use it, because the use of the wrong histats it will hurt us.

There is a fundamental difference between histats, Google Analytic, statistics and bloggers. I wear histats more because it is more practical, although GA is certainly more accurate. While bloggers stats less interest me because the data are not so clear. So this time I want to invite my friends wear histats beginner blogger in a good way.

How to Set the Personal Finance Easy


mbojosouvenir.net - All human beings in this earth must have the nature of "materialistic", yes yes it later materialistic otherwise not making money hehehe. All potentially "rich", all the potential to be useful for many people. We arrange finance every day like when we play video games, set the strategy of how we can still survive, of course in a way that is Halal. A question that needs to be done for private financial stable is the Set Personal Finance. Below, my friend will not stress anymore Mbojo as possible during this time too extravagant or a lot of money who do not know where they lead. We summarize with the title How to Set the Personal Finance Easy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Signs You Not Comfortable With Your work


mbojosouvenir.net - Buddy Mbojo work day how many hours? Or Do-do eventually in coffee shop next to the office? hehehe Ok good, how-even time spent over the buddy Mbojo work, would have the goal of each is not it?!. Crazy wrote that work without a certain vision, might be overdrawn airports: D. Not a few employees feel bored with the routine like that, of course it has a lot of reasons all its own. There also enjoy the job as it was already the target and passionnya there. And this time, my friend will Mbojo Know more about Signs You Not Comfortable With Your work. Let's refer to their points bro :)

7 Simple Psychological Tricks To You Job Interview Success

As someone who is actively looking for work, you would want to be accepted in the target company. You do the preparation really mature, and after sending the application file, you immediately receive a job interview. The challenge is, how the hell that you qualify and be accepted? Happy listening, and hopefully can help you, yes!

Dangers of sleeping with the lights on


Sleep is a routine activity undertaken by any person at various ages. There are so many benefits that can be obtained from sleep, especially at night time. Some of the benefits of sleep a night is the physical and mind can rest after a day of activities is relatively dense. There are some people who like to sleep the night with the lights on. But there is also a night's sleep without the light from the lamp. Then, is there any danger of a night's sleep with the lights on for the health of the body ... ???

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to Repair Your Cracked iPhone Display

We've all experienced those three seconds of dread as you bend down to pick up your dropped iPhone .The sinking feeling of regret and loss when you see that spidery crack across your once unblemished screen.
It’s heartbreaking, tragic and it can happen to anyone. And if you don’t have AppleCare+ or another warranty to fix the damage, you may end up with some bandaged fingers or the need to buy a new cell phone. But complicated as it seems, it's possible to fix a cracked iPhone display. If you don’t want to bite the bullet and get a new phone, or take it to a repair shop, you can fix it yourself at home with just a few tools and a lot of patience.

How To Replace Your iPhone 5's Screen


No matter how careful we try to be, everyone drops their iPhone or iPod touch from time to time. Usually, the consequences of a drop aren’t serious, but in some cases, screens get cracked or shatter. Some of these cracks are relatively minor, cosmetic problems that don’t really affect whether you can use your device. Others, however, are so extensive that it becomes very hard to see the screen and use the iPhone.
If you’re facing a cracked screen that’s so damaged that it’s hard to use your device, you have a number of options for repairing it. A lot of businesses offer low-cost screen replacement, but before you use those, read this article. If you’re not careful, you could end up violating your warranty from Apple and losing all the support and benefits it offers.