

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

7 Simple Psychological Tricks To You Job Interview Success

As someone who is actively looking for work, you would want to be accepted in the target company. You do the preparation really mature, and after sending the application file, you immediately receive a job interview. The challenge is, how the hell that you qualify and be accepted? Happy listening, and hopefully can help you, yes!

 1 Prior to the interview, go to the toilet and wash your hands with warm water

To succeed in a job interview, you need proper preparation. Dress appropriately and arrive early just is not enough. You also need to create the impression that you people who "believe" and confident. One way, believe it or not, is to make our hands warm.

Interview session usually begins with a handshake. Cold and sweaty hands will give the impression that you are nervous and not relaxed. In contrast, warm and dry hands will unconsciously creating the impression that you are friendly and open person.

2 Imitate gestures interviewer
http://makarovshare.blogspot.com/2014/10/7-simple-psychological-tricks-to-you.htmlIf someone is interested in talking with, he would unconsciously mimicking the movements of the other person. When his interlocutor scratching head, he also gets a bit scratched his head. If the interlocutor frowned, he will join frowned.

Well, just copy the gestures pewawancaramu to give the impression that you are interested in him and appreciate him. If you can do it with a fine, the interviewer will be more trust and personal liking.

3 Always take a few seconds to think before answering questions 

http://makarovshare.blogspot.com/2014/10/7-simple-psychological-tricks-to-you.htmlWait for a few seconds before answering the question. It will make you look as being calm and confident. Your answer will sound more convincing. The reason is, someone who is sure of his opinion will not hesitate to ask the other party to wait a few seconds before saying anything. Psychologically, something good is worth waiting for. 

4 Be careful with your body language 

http://makarovshare.blogspot.com/2014/10/7-simple-psychological-tricks-to-you.htmlWe are usually not aware of their own body language. In fact, this body language can say more than mouths what we deliver. Hands folded in front of the chest showed discomfort, and play around with the pen could mean you're nervous. Be careful - if the interviewer catches our discomfort, it can make them feel uncomfortable as well. Imagine 'the interview session is going to be like?

5. Look for things that you like about the interviewer

 Simple things, like their questions. Praise sincerely when the question was interesting to you. But if you really do not like it or think of ordinary questions, so do not force too. The point is to be open enough to like something, and sincere enough to praise him.

6 Since the first to know when the date of the interview, visualize directly answer session ideal


 Visualizing the ideal interview session will help your brain quieter. This visualization can you start from the first time you know when your interview date. If you are notified 1 week before the interview begins, then sempatkanlah spend time every day for a week it was to imagine what it will be asked, and how you will answer them.

Throughout the interview, visualize also that you will answer all questions calmly. This way, you will not panic when "mugged" the questions are complicated.

7 Read the fine expression of the body of the interviewer
http://makarovshare.blogspot.com/2014/10/7-simple-psychological-tricks-to-you.htmlExpression of the interviewer's body you should also keep an eye on. Make it panduanmu to find out what you should do during the interview.

As an initial guide, there are three expressions of the body that you can consider. If the interviewer leans towards you, chances are he is interested in the answers that you are bringing. If he keeps staring at you, in fact he was waiting for elaborate answers you gave. If he raises his eyebrows, breathe and stay calm. Re Explain your answer with words more convincing.

Simple enough for you to memorize, is not it?

7 psychological trick is not too difficult for you to imitate. If you really apply them, they can be a weapon in the sidebar interview. We wish you success, yes!

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