

Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to Set the Personal Finance Easy


mbojosouvenir.net - All human beings in this earth must have the nature of "materialistic", yes yes it later materialistic otherwise not making money hehehe. All potentially "rich", all the potential to be useful for many people. We arrange finance every day like when we play video games, set the strategy of how we can still survive, of course in a way that is Halal. A question that needs to be done for private financial stable is the Set Personal Finance. Below, my friend will not stress anymore Mbojo as possible during this time too extravagant or a lot of money who do not know where they lead. We summarize with the title How to Set the Personal Finance Easy.

1.Little be stingy but tailored to the needs of

Mbojo buddy not separated as the name of expenditure, expenditure desired and necessary expenses. Make sure in advance about these expenses, the origin may be a little stingy in accordance with what is required. Do not be, because it is too stingy, daily needs not we get. It is also included in the How to Organize Personal Finances effective.
2 Create a spending plan next month

Naturally, each month we have to plan expenditures for future months. It also would be helpful mate Mbojo to set effective financial. Create a spending plan next month and the next month really easy, so long as what we have planned and we note adapted to this month. If this month is spending a lot less useful, next month could be negotiated again. Remember, still distinguish between expenditures that desire can only be postponed to the next month, the same expenses that are essential to today.

3 Prepare Create Table Books and Expenditure and Revenue

If my friend Mbojo first feel cool with it, it should have a buddy Mbojo secret book to record expenses Income (Salary / Income). Make a simple bookkeeping, buddy Mbojo really understand. Do not forget to include the date of the release of the money, and why the priority level is used. After my friend Mbojo already familiar with this. Finances happens to be more careful and Finance pal Mbojo be stable. Not really scared that every month there was no money, because there is a detailed calculation hehehe.
4 The financial flow should be clear and no Specification

Buddy Mbojo engaged in business or have anything to do with money. Financial flows should clearly well sob. Maybe my friend had to much to ask to Mbojo Economic experts or friend who lectures in Economics on how to regulate the flow of Finance in order to maintain the flow. Every week or trimmed in accordance with the specified details. If you've made ​​book Financial Flows, this will help determine the movement Mbojo pal pal Mbojo business, whether stable, declining or increasing height.

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