1.Results and evaluation should always be considered
In working or running a business, we need to know about the portion that we get. From the results of our performance is needed to assess or evaluate. Of course there must be his plus minus, it is very important to improve the long-term performance. Wise leadership will always provide a solution when the subordinate's performance does not meet the target, not scolding but providing solutions and meeting together to solve problems.
2.Mutual serve
There is no exception, all must serve one another. Here is seen the selfishness of a person, a pemimpinpun should be able to serve the employee or his team, as well as the team, must work together to serve each other. Mbojo buddy who works with the team, never shy when there is a subordinate who wants to ask for help.
3 Team work is not individual
Hear the word team work means working together, buddy Mbojo will not work effectively if it has no team work. Involving more people in a unit so help create trust. How trustworthy Mbojo buddy while buddy Mbojo not trust other people? To be more solid team work. Involve other team in a project that is being done at this time. This helps to increase the credibility really sob team.
4 Dare to accept the challenge
One of the tips on how to gain the trust of the team is ready to accept the challenge of a trust or a boss or a leader, not a challenge to fight you know bro hehehe: D But work responsibilities, leaders must have a specific purpose to provide a Shock teraphy to employees, with a mandate that , Mbojo buddy will automatically learn not ?! So, stop complaining, accept the challenge. This is in order to gain the trust of the team know bro :)
5. Never Arrogant and apathy
Work is science, science should certainly we can share with our team colleagues. Illustration like tap water, when to be turned on and when to shut down. Mbojo buddy who has a lot of knowledge and helpful it, divide the team. Do not ever save himself. Because it also affects the quality of team buddy Mbojo. Who would not want to if his team developed. Instead of praise, but helpful to many audience. If my friend would share a bus Mbojo Mbojo buddy is ready to apply 10 Tips on How to Get The Team Trust .
6. Work is not just work, but change for the better
Mbojo buddy just think, work is just a job, it's wrong. When we do something, there must be a purpose. Making the job to be better container needs to be invested to earn the trust of teamwork. Work is not just work, but change for the better. Team personality is 75% of our personality. So, do not ever underestimate of the "Transform yourself" in the works. Unfortunately bangetkan, if a buddy makes Mbojo work buddy Mbojo so monotonous as it was it. Think again.
7. Team not only friends, they make the family
If we only consider friends work their friends, may create a spirit has not been effective. But if my friend Mbojo make them "family", there will be a sense of belonging in the minds Mbojo buddy. There was no atmosphere of competition for elbowing each other, but each building.
8 Be differentiator and Character
If my friend Mbojo are humorous and can calm the emotions, it's good. That sign has been steeped in character Mbojo buddy buddy Mbojo. Being a motivated person who is very important. If it can provide something positive and others that inspired him to change for the better, one would expect there is a soul leader in self-buddy Mbojo today. Suppose someday become leaders Mbojo buddy, buddy Mbojo will always be respected without having to poor to be respected. Because buddy Mbojo already given something to move, influence and certainly help improve team morale.
9 Giving Examples
Team not believe much, before there are things that have been given in the team. Ideas, concepts, material is certainly very necessary to maintain the quality of the team. Giving example of not only what to do, but about how life outside the work Mbojo buddy. Giving example to the other team associates by improving our character. Slowly but surely, get rid of the bad and keep the good.
10 Show me your qualities
To gain trust, the quality should be tested of course. Then the question arises, how do I get quality? Yes, learning. We learn about anything that relates to where we are today. Reading experience had been very effective in your position really sob, especially now that the source of reference is very much really.
Well, after reading 10 Tips on How to Get Confidence Team, we are confident buddy Mbojo will be "Open" for mutual introspection. Well good luck bro :)
Source: MbojoSouvenir
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