

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tips to save battery BlackBerry phone, Android


Very annoying when we used the phone very wasteful batteries and must be charged multiple times in one day. This may be a bit tolerable for the activity in the room, but not for individuals who are always mobile.

Ideally each phone (normal use) can be used at least a full day without needing to be charged, but the majority of mobile phones are now able to survive used only 6 to 7 hours. Therefore, in order to maximize battery usage is no one you try this.

Mobile battery saving tips:

1 Reduce brigthness or brightness of the screen.

LCD screen arguably one of the most important sources of battery drain, fortunately this can be tricked by reducing the screen brightness (brightness). In some hp smartphones like the BlackBerry and Android will be able to save 30-40% of battery life.
2 Close the application that is running in the background.

Applications that are not used but is still running in the background will continue to use the battery. Users often forget to close it after using the application or had had in-close but actually only minimizes (by pressing the back button / home). so
3 Turn off Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC when not in use

Features Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC though not used will still suck hp battery capacity when the condition is active. So make sure you turn it off when you're done using it.
4 Set mobile network connection to manual

When you are planted in the 3G signal is not stable, where every few minutes automatically jump from 3G into EDGE / GPRS. Then you should set the network signal into EDGE / GPRS only.
5. upgrade firmware / OS

Sometimes short battery life that was caused by the firmware (OS) is problematic. It is very possible, especially if you bought the latest hp. In a few weeks / months the vendor will release a firmware update usually better, so it does not hurt you upgrade the OS you have.

When the battery saving tips above were not enough, the reader may need to Technology Info considering buying the extended battery (larger) or have a spare battery.

Sony released the PlayStation 4 console without ever showing the form of the PS4 console

Sony released the PlayStation 4 console without ever showing the form of the PS4 console

Sony today is demonstrating its new game console PlayStation 4 in New York. Some games are shown in the demo is a game that maximizes the visual appearance and the superior quality such as Killzone: Shadow Fall, cityscape, Knack, Watch Dog, etc.. PS4 picture quality when viewed from the video is practically equivalent / slightly better than PC games currently available.

But there is bad news for users who want to play PS3 games because the PS3 games will not be played on consoles PS4, but fortunately Sony to provide PlayStation Cloud that allows streaming played the old games without the need to use the disk (although the way penggunaana For Playstation Cloud is still a mystery) .

Unfortunately the release of PlayStation 4, Sony does not even show the PS4 physical form directly to the media in attendance, the audience can only see 4 DualShock controller, along with a video demo of the game alone.

Sony released the PlayStation 4 console without ever showing the form of the PS4 console
Sony released the PlayStation 4 console without ever showing the form of the PS4 console

And what about the price of the PlayStation 4 or the official release date? PlayStation 4 is planned to be released late 2013; while the price is still not yet clear, but based on the rumors circulating the price will be much cheaper than the PlayStation 3 when first released.

Overall the event was somewhat forced time and make Sony does not seem ready and professional, because it is strange to release a product without showing the products offered and also without the price and also the availability of information.

Spesifikasi Playstation 4

  • Single-chip custom processor 8-core x86-64 AMD Jaguar CPU, GPU next-gen AMD Radeon (1.84 TFLOPS)
  • Internal hard drive
  • 6x Blu-Ray & 8x DVD drive
  • Super-Speed USB 3.0, auxiliary ports
  • Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
  • HDMI, analog AV-out, and optical Digital output audio S/PDIF
  • DualShock 4 controller (two-point capacitive touchpad, three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, vibration, mono speaker, light bar with three color LEDs, micro USB port, extension port, stereo headset port, 1000mAh battery)
  • PlayStation 4 Eye camera (two 1280 x 800 cameras, f/2.0 fixed focus lenses, 85-degree field of view, 30cm minimum focusing distance, four-channel microphone array)

Creating a 3D TV to play games on such outdated

You think playing games on a HDTV with 3D technology is definitely exciting, we just think that this one will be more exciting.

Microsoft IllumiRoom is a concept that is being developed by Microsoft to make the boundaries between TV with the room being biased because of what appears on the TV also can be projected around the room.

Creating a 3D TV to play games on such outdated

IllumiRoom technology using Microsoft Kinect and a projector is used to display additional images coming from the TV.

Existing projector will display a moving image (video) to the room, especially the walls that add to the atmosphere of playing more exciting than you play with the 3D TV.

Kinect itself is used for measuring or scanning the room will then set the projector to display images according to the dimensions of the existing space.

I'll only let me see the video more clearly.

3D printers also can create artificial ears!

3D printers also can create artificial ears!
Previous technologies of 3D printers capable of making human jaw and even Cornell University is currently capable of making the ear (called the Pinna) of a 3D printer.

The study, headed by Dr. Lawrence Bonassar and Jason Spector succeeded in making artificial ears which uses biological material (taken from animals).

3D printers also can create artificial ears!
 It's a little disgusting, it turns the materials used here is a rat tail and a certain part of the cow's ear.

Because it is made from biological material, the earlobe can be grown in the sense that the cells can grow in it.

To make this artificial ears took me half a day to design printed on, 30 minutes to incorporate the material into a 3D printer and 15 minutes to print.

In a test try, earlobe paired it turns into a rat leaves the ear can replace damaged ear leaf.

The goal is of course an artificial ear when the leaves can replace damaged ears either because of illness or accident.