

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Here's The Importance of Humor in the Works


A few weeks ago I visited Somewhere, visiting old friends who are now working in the drug industry. Tells everything about the job, about the daily life and tuck with the question "When is Marriage?" Hehehe. We talk about anything, share laughter, shared joy and most updated information about the college where we were in college. Many lessons and sharing what we do. Some things I had to ask my friend. "In the workplace, there are seldom really love ya bro comedy? Aging because I saw you look? "As a result he too laughed. I am sure, he is less supply something funny in his office. Well, here, I will share about the importance of humor in the work. Come in see. (By The Way, do not be provoked by the picture above yes friend, okay ?! :)

Tips on How to Maintain Good Relationships With Old Friends


We all have a friend that is diverse with a wide range of character and distinctiveness, it is evident that our character is also formed of our closest friends. We can make friends from anywhere and in any way. We started the conversation in a Cafe or the library can also create a friendship. That we, social beings who continue to interact every day. However, my friend mbojo never forget the old friend because of busy with work, had already moved merrid or work location. Below we summarize on Tips on How to Maintain a Good Relationship With Old Friends. Hope it helps buddy mbojo to maintain good relations that had been created.

This 6 Things Annoying Concentration in Work


To keep focus work, it takes more concentration. If my friend was able to arrange mbojo concentration at work, the next would be a lot of work can be continued to be resolved. However, there are many things that disturb concentration in the work. Pardon deh if the concentration has been dispersed, might work is not finished, and instead accumulate in the mounting work table hehehe. Well, below is my friend mbojo would know better about what the hell is actually Annoying Things concentration in the Works? Let's refer 6 Things Annoying Concentration in Work.