

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 Ways to Make a Blog Dummy For Backlink Build Your Own

 10 Ways to Make a Blog Dummy For Backlink Build Your Own

Blog Dummy ". The definition of a dummy blog was none other than a secondary blog into backing from the main blog or a blog follower made by the main blog in order to provide a backlink for free / complimentary to the main blog. I've also discussed about SEO Optimize With Backlink Build Your Own.
So how to create a blog dummy, easy anyway. Here are the steps to create a dummy blog to build your own backlinks:
  1.      You first create a new blogger account (could be 3 or 5 new blogs), after some new blogs created (dummy blog), the next step make the same content or material that is similar to the main blog or blog mainstay of you who want to build their backlinks. Noteworthy for you, do not make the blog too much because google will beat you, hehehe.
  2.      Make an article / blog posting dummy with the same post with the main blog.
  3.      Give keywords related to the main blog, for example: main blog discusses Plug Keyword and Description Meta Tag Blog then create dummy keywords in the blog that became backlinks with the same post title to the main blog.
  4.      Put links on the main blog posts blog posts dummy.
  5.      Put a link or banner on the main blog or sidebar navbar dummy blog with keywords and anchor text that is aligned with the main blog.
  6.      At every post in the blog dummy, dummy blog berkomentarlah course with your main blog.
  7.      Make a dummy become dofollow blogs.
  8.      Try to keep the dummy blog indexed in google, by way of dummy to register your blog and ping google google, after the patent for the main blog link on the blog dummy.
  9.      Submit blogs dummy pal to free web directory.
  10.      Exchange dummy blog with links on other people's blogs that PR levels are higher, so if a lot of incoming links to a blog dummy effect would be devastating to your main blog.
So first discussion on 10 ways to create a dummy blog to build your own backlinks. hopefully useful and understandable article ..

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