

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reason Girl Series : Classical Type

Who says it's just a mode of approaching the wily man do? That was actually a girl has their different ways to draw attention to the idol's heart. For this time Makarovshare will dissect girls classic type mode. Because according to the progress of time, the mode was also changed according to the circumstances at that time. Well for the classical type is no such thing:

Estella mode

Indeed, this mode is still preserved to this day. The procedure is easy, once the idol to be within a story where the exchange can be done, start making a very complicated problem that requires a third party to be a listener and advice giver. The material is poured out can vary, just the Huft really. But sometimes it sucks this mode sometimes when it's too close, the girl even change course and become even jamming Friendzone-in guy. So be careful in dealing with this type of mode.

Help Request Mode

Damsel in distress. Knight in shinning armor. claimed to be me, when asked to help with a girl, definitely more difficult than if the guy who rejected it for help. Yes except that ask you anyway bro. Suppose you knew the same girl phoned and asked for help moving the house you definitely rather how so right rejected it. Or ask for help can bring stuff up stairs. I think knights not really so if a girl rejects a request for help. Usually sometimes his plea for mediocrity, he just wants to be anywhere near you, and it feels more real if so rippled helped. Well but remember, still be careful with this type of mode, because it is sometimes rather thin boundaries between fancies goals and you just want to take advantage of it.

Mode Thanks

Well this is usually a continuation of the mode for help. Once assistance has been established, the next step is to thank profusely. For example, she knew she can bring you food, or funny objects with the phrase 'it for you, thank ya already helped me yesterday', smiling sweetly. Make melt. Makes you want to help again tomorrow, tomorrow. Tsk.

Borrowing mode Goods

Usually he already had knowledge of what you like, so already eyeing what items to be borrowed. Let what? I'll be chatting dong afterwards. Especially if he borrowed goods meant for you, such as a CD Games, CD of your favorite band, so that the impression he had the same hobby. after that, your hearts deh borrowed. Ihiw.

Request mode Taught

That the girls know, the guy's happy and that is considered to have a certain ability. Staying a little skill commend the guy, same flaring nostrils, kept asking taught afterwards. His name is certainly not taught directly to you, unless his girlfriend is clever. But usually the hell he's going to ask to be taught many times. Let what? I'll meet often.

Well that's some classic type girl mode. There are girls who want to add? Please add the in the comments!

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