

Sunday, October 26, 2014

10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable

10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable
It can be ascertained, the gadget can be durable if used smartly. Unfortunately, all electronic devices must have a period to be an error / broken, any sophisticated gadgets such. One of them is the iPhone, iPad, Android that currently use the buddy mbojo. Various gadgets are competing to showcase their best features. However, how sophisticated the iPhone, iPad, and Android certainly there are weaknesses in components such as batteries, cables and others. This time we will discuss about 10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable, be prepared to see more well bro :), the following tips:

1. Reduce the Screen Brightness

Screen brightness affects the quality of the batteries used Android, too light will make the battery will be more active than the screen is not too bright. If my friend mbojo enable "Time out" of the screen, do not use the time-out is too long. Possible battery will quickly drop due to this condition salahsatunya

2. Set the temperature Gadgets

When summer temperatures, an effect also know bro with gadgets that we have. When the IOS or Android already feel the heat on the back. That sign needs to rest for a moment of activity. Do not force the will to continue to be used, if necessary, shut down and keep the place cool. Temperature affects the durability or whether IOS or Android being used.

3. When not in use, turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Applications

Using the gadget is similar to using a computer or laptop, if too many applications are active simultaneously, will lead to increasing performance and it will make a smartphone or gadget will quickly slow. Turn off apps that are not being used. and frequently used mode: Stand by and use only when needed.

4. Avoid the use of animation in walpaper

If all this buddy mbojo very fond of using animation in walpaper phones or gadgets that are used. This should be avoided, this will take power or batteries are used. Use a static wallpaper aka not moving. For android may be very many applications, in contrast to the iphone that do not feature on walpapernya animation.

5. If you want photos, reduce the use of Flash

Event photos almost every day is done, pal mbojo commonly used gadgets to photograph the object. Adjusted with time, if the picture is done during the day, avoid the use of Flash / Light. Flash is enough to make the batteries run out quickly. If a photo is often done at night, adjust to the light that is around.

6. It is better to use a headset rather than speakers

Buddy mbojo often listen to music? Already know yet, if you use a headset, you know the battery is more efficient than using the speakers. When going to sleep or relax, avoid using the existing speakers in the gadget. It is better if you use the default headset from a buddy Gadgets mbojo have. this is Tips to 6 of 10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable

7. If there is no signal, switch Mode: Airplane

Products iPhone, iPad and Android certainly has modes: Aircraft. You know bro, that is the icon image plane hehehe. When traveling, if there was no signal or no significant activity on smartphones and gadgets should switch modes: the plane. The advantage of the battery used is more durable and can be used for a long time.

8. At bedtime, preferably Gadgets are most often active, shut down

Ideally, when we are resting, the gadget should also be resting bro, maybe if they were forced to continue to work, might be the gadget shouted know hehehe. Buddy mbojo traveling or resting and there is no activity on the gadgets being used, should be turned off. At the time of sleeping, we can be more enjoyable resting and there is no interference notifitakasi lights or no noise of course: D

9. Do not Enable Multi-Tasking for Application

Now social media is very numerous and very diverse functions. This goes back to the buddy initiative mbojo all. Avoid Multi-Tasking Applications used, use the full swing is being used, for example, is using fuel, then another application temporarily closed first. Also, if it will be reused, staying activated hehehe.

10. If my friend mbojo using GSM, you should use 3G mode.

Usually the replacement service mode there is an option, if there is 3G mode, use the mode to make lighter of smartphone use.

Indeed, it's all in our hands, if we be wise to use the gadgets we have, or we are people who are very busy with social media. All back to yourself. Yep, hopefully 10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durability could be a solution for my friend well mbojo highly appreciate gadgets owned. Good luck :)

Source : mbojosouvenir.net

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