

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

7 Tips on How to Select Friends for your own good

It is evident that our character is formed from seven of our friends. When facing a day filled with a variety of things, we have to be more observant deal. Do not let us be the one who does not like. Making friends is definitely one of the main activities carried out by everyone and of course mate mbojo who are reading our article this time. We will be out of date if it does not have a friend, a crazy person wrote his friend, let alone us who have common sense, there must be dong friends who fill our days. Choosing a company does not mean we make a voter, because choosing a friend instead Activity ELECTION hehehe.

Every individual must have wanted him popular, could be appreciated and accepted in many circles. However, a lot of friends that are wrong in the existing incitement carried away with himself or from outside the scope of his life. In communicating, indeed one must be observant to know the character of the people around it, understand the existing traditions and the prevailing environment. Our parents also must be worried when we are in the environment that is not in accordance with what they expect.

And now, everyone is in the hands of friends, whether the flow is not good, or poor can change for the better. Below, my friend will understand more about 7 Tips on How to Select a friend to do you good, happy reading.

1. The friend who gives advice

No doubt, there must be a run life of unforeseen problems, make us have to keep thinking to get out of the problem. Until in the end we sometimes can not find the solution. This is the role of friends, the ideal is a friend who is not to blame, but to provide solutions and advice when his friend in the wrong state or in a state of trouble. Especially if my friend mbojo shoreline environments exist, who else can make a suggestion, other than your friends. Find a friend who will take the time to give advice. Although not as Mr. Mario Strikes, but at least you get advice that can ease your mind.

2. The friend who can help

When the friendship started, did not all have high initiative. Anyone industrious character, high initiative and want to know when there is not yet resolved. Seek and get together with friends who can help each other. When you can work with a friend, it is a sign of your friendship no feedback, not simply one-way, because this is where the mental formation to initiate between one another.

3. Friends who do not view or Strata Title

When gathering with friends, should we revoke our position and status, all that is gathered is not to get another screen that makes awkward as partitioned by position or another. Befriend without having to look at a person from office. Friends who do not see the status will certainly resented by many people and he certainly can go in the category of friends as any. If there is a friend who can accept the current whereabouts, still maintain, because it is now very difficult to get a friend like that.

4. Loyal Friend

The next Tip of 7 Tips on How to Choose for your good friend is a Loyal Friend. Respect as a faithful and loyal friend to you bro, keep the trust if there is a secret that he told you. Pick a loyal friend, who appreciate your loyalty to continue to maintain the friendship. Even when there are unexpected problems, you can talk with the best without being hurt because of the behavior and words, because one day out of the blue for sure you need it.

5. Friends who do not use abusive language

Looking for your good friends can be seen that the use of speech. Find a friend who always keep the feeling, which is not the habit of using harsh words, because of everyone's different reception when someone scold. Avoid vulgarity heart-wrenching. Still keep the language used, the quality of your friends seen from the way you talk.

6. Friends who had not seen from her family background

There is no research that says that family background is not good, then your friend will grow into a less well too. Very much so that it is different from the family profile. When mate mbojo friends actually change someone for the better with examples of behavior and not just say it, of course there is a plus in your friendship. Still maintain it.

7. Find an Honest friend

Surely everyone wants to be an honest person and would like to get honesty from others. Befriend really need honesty, not masked falsehood. Find a friend who is honest, because honesty is not bad. It is tricky to get a truthful person present era. Although honesty we often rewarded with a lie, but that's life. We have to face and we must accept.

Befriend and know its limitations, still keep the relationship because that's what strengthen you when you dropped though. Thank you for reading our article this time about 7 Tips on How to Select for your good friend, may be useful bro.

Source : mbojosouvenir.net

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