

Sunday, October 12, 2014

WOW !! 4 Fun Apps That Can Restore Childhood You

A long time ago when you were little, so many fun games that always adorn the days. So while today, the game slowly became extinct as the rapid development of technology. But what are all extinct yes? Not really, because some games can still buy verrsi analogues. Only if you want a rather cool slightly, you can also download some childhood game to your smartphone.

Snakes and Ladders Education

One of the ancient board game favorite. Throw the dice, eh ding on the first shake, then you will be stepping out as many numbers on the dice. Your goal is to peak. But be careful because a lot of traps in this game that can bring you back down. Well this game turns out there know the application, one of which is Snakes and Ladders Education. Why use wih frills education? Yes because in it there is also exciting questions to be answered nan educate. So obviously, this application can be played together really well your sister or niece.

Happy Ludo

You understand the way to play ludo? so do not be described again is yes. Well there ya also has application ludo you can play on your smartphone. Interestingly you can play directly together at your friend. As the name implies, this application can definitely make you happy always. Try it.

congklak Machine

Classic traditional games. Usually be played with a girl anyway, but it does not mean a guy should not play. Well if you want a little nostalgic but lazy to find out where to buy congklak, better just download the game directly through your smartphone Congklak Machine. Weve still look and games playnya somewhat less attractive, but at least you can be nostalgic moment with this application.

Get Rich
If this application does not already have to Explain again, you would've never played all. Really exciting. So he cried until forget to shower, forget work, and forget that you apparently have not had a boyfriend. Sorry!
 Actually there are many other exciting applications that can make you nostalgic for your childhood together. You just try searching on your smartphone application stores.

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