

Monday, January 5, 2015

keyboard function keys and secret keys

keyboard function keys and secret keys

keyboard function keys in general

the general function of keyboar is an input device such as characters and symbols that will be processed by the CPU, so when you type something on your keyboard later the keyboard will send the data to a PC via a cable electrically and will be processed by computer.
the keyboard combination

keyboard shortcut or key combination on the keyboard are some key combinations that are very useful in order to reduce the use of a mouse in order to work faster by pressing certain buttons simultaneously to command the computer to do something.

I will show some examples of the keyboard keys are often used to secret key which is rarely in use but the point is very useful
how to copy and paste with ease

copy and paste or copy files and memintahkanya pengertianya another place or with a different name. key combination to it is by pressing a button?

Ctrl + C

remember to first press the Ctrl key and then the C key,

condition you should choose his or text file it first or you can copy it much the way you drag a file or block it by selecting the press

Shift + cursor up, right, down, or left

then after your new blocked repeat step Ctrl + C to copy the files that it blocked.

after you make a copy of her now is the time you paste or move right or also multiply :)

usually you can do a paste by right click and select paste menu, but now you can do it by pressing the key combination

Ctrl + V

on condition that you have made a copy beforehand.
how to cut

now I will notifying you how to cut or how to move files instead of copying the usually copies files that have been in there but the cut is where the files are in the cut it will move it into the other place, to cut the usual way by selecting the file and click the right and select the option cut but now will be faster and easier by pressing the button

Ctrl + X

yes by pressing the button and then move it with the Ctrl + V.

ok, once you see how the above I will add a few more secret keys that will be very useful by pressing a button combination in accordance with its needs with shorter because I assumed you know for yourself mempraktekanya
undo or cancel or cancel

Ctrl + Z

key combination to undo the change text or image that you created

Ctrl + Y

key combination to return to the starting position before you cancel the
search button

Ctrl + F

key combination to bring up the search form on the application.
move tabs

Ctrl + Tab

Useful to move the tab on the browser or applications that use multi tab
move the application usage

Alt + Tab

useful to switch to another application that opened simultaneously.
block all

Ctrl + A

combination to block all files or text simultaneously.
save or save

Ctrl + S

is a key combination to save the file in a particular application.

Ctrl + P

is a combination to bring up the menu on the printer to print an application that supports such word or webbrowser
close the tab

Ctrl + W

close tabs on the application using the tab page, for example, is a webbrowser.
open a new tab is closed

Ctrl + Shift + T

reset button combination to open accidentally closed tabs.
open windows explorer

Flag + E

button to open the windows explorer to quickly
bring up the run

Flag + R

bring up the menu runs quickly
shutting down quickly

Flag + F4 and press the Enter key

I usually prefer to turn off the computer in the lab that many in this way, let me not capet so: D you can choose a menu restart after pressing the sleep etc. flag + f4.
close applications

Alt + F2

meutup applications quickly by pressing the button
open a new page or tab

Ctrl + N

open a new page or a new tab in certain applications.
move the cursor position

Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End

Useful key combination to move the cursor to the beginning remedy text and to move the cursor to the end of the text document.
upwards or downwards

Page Up, Space bar, and Page Down

to move the view up or down on its specific application examples webbrowser.
open the file

Ctrl + O

useful to open a file on the particular application that supports word examples.
rename a file or rename


quick keys to change the file name.

ok so first aritel on the keyboard function keys and secret keys from tuntor, I've run out of mind: D, if there are less should you add a quick practice and to know what the outcome Ko nope: D

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