

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

3D printers also can create artificial ears!

3D printers also can create artificial ears!
Previous technologies of 3D printers capable of making human jaw and even Cornell University is currently capable of making the ear (called the Pinna) of a 3D printer.

The study, headed by Dr. Lawrence Bonassar and Jason Spector succeeded in making artificial ears which uses biological material (taken from animals).

3D printers also can create artificial ears!
 It's a little disgusting, it turns the materials used here is a rat tail and a certain part of the cow's ear.

Because it is made from biological material, the earlobe can be grown in the sense that the cells can grow in it.

To make this artificial ears took me half a day to design printed on, 30 minutes to incorporate the material into a 3D printer and 15 minutes to print.

In a test try, earlobe paired it turns into a rat leaves the ear can replace damaged ear leaf.

The goal is of course an artificial ear when the leaves can replace damaged ears either because of illness or accident.

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