

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Creating a 3D TV to play games on such outdated

You think playing games on a HDTV with 3D technology is definitely exciting, we just think that this one will be more exciting.

Microsoft IllumiRoom is a concept that is being developed by Microsoft to make the boundaries between TV with the room being biased because of what appears on the TV also can be projected around the room.

Creating a 3D TV to play games on such outdated

IllumiRoom technology using Microsoft Kinect and a projector is used to display additional images coming from the TV.

Existing projector will display a moving image (video) to the room, especially the walls that add to the atmosphere of playing more exciting than you play with the 3D TV.

Kinect itself is used for measuring or scanning the room will then set the projector to display images according to the dimensions of the existing space.

I'll only let me see the video more clearly.

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