

Sunday, October 12, 2014

10 Nasib Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir yang mengenaskan


ini lah Nasib Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir :D
ayo kita liat apa saja nasib nya :D

Update 5.0 Latest Google Play Store !!


Google has just released the newest version of Google Play Store, in this new version, the Google Play Store 5.0 brings many new changes, ranging from layout view, the features to change the icon of Google Play Store itself.

It turns out Google Now More Smart Compared Siri and Cortana


Among the many outstanding voice assistant for a variety of gadgets, there are three products most in demand today is Google with Google Now, Apple with Siri, and Microsoft with Cortana. But among them, who's the smartest?

7 Android Smartphone with Camera Front Enchanting


Selfie trend led to the birth of Android smartphones with front camera capabilities that can not be underestimated. The goal is of course to make the user more satisfied with the results of the photo taken of themselves. Some manufacturers have even released a smartphone with features selfie recently as Mito Fantasy Selfie 2 and HTC Desire Eye.

If you're looking for a smartphone with a front camera for optimal selfie, there are several options that you can choose a smartphone. Actually, there are more than 100 smartphones with front-facing camera capable. But not all the smartphones sold in the country. We've got some recommendations for selfie Android smartphone that you can try.

10 Ways To Increase WiFi Signal

WiFi signal is weak will make our internet activities disrupted. Many ways you can do to strengthen our wifi signal. By following these methods, you can amplify the signal reception of the wifi network that can be applied to Android smartphones, laptops and other electronic items.
Here are 10 Ways To Increase WiFi Signal to 2-fold :

5 Apps that Will Waste You Time


Since smartphones so obligations, many specific applications that are made to help humans. From exciting games to run a tracker, it is used to kill boredom. In addition, the application is also made ​​to address existing problems.

But, not all applications in the smartphone tablets handy. Yes his name is also the programmer who makes human. So there they are diwujudin fad wrote to the applications and distributed to the people. Here are some applications that can waste your time:

WOW !! 4 Fun Apps That Can Restore Childhood You

A long time ago when you were little, so many fun games that always adorn the days. So while today, the game slowly became extinct as the rapid development of technology. But what are all extinct yes? Not really, because some games can still buy verrsi analogues. Only if you want a rather cool slightly, you can also download some childhood game to your smartphone.

5 It is exciting If You Have a Couple a More Clever

Being smart is the dream of every human being, from birth to seniors. If not can be smart too, at least want a smart plasticity. But, what if there was a power that is more clever than you, and he happens to be your partner. Well, if the story this way, what we should do then? Calm, MBDC would love you ya know, any kind of cool things, you can experience, if your partner is smarter than you.

So You definitely hungry! 5 Type of Food Photos


Food and photographs, are two things that you must enjoy doing so. If you do not eat at all the day you could die. Then if the photos, I think there is not deh people who do not like the motto or photographed. Therefore, if both of these things together, then you can produce something of high value. Yes, the intent is MBDC food photos. You would never see dong photos of the food, or maybe you're a food photo. But you do not know of many photos of the food is outstanding, they can you actually grouped into several types.

10 Traits Should Mental owned An Entrepreneur


mbojosouvenir.net - Among us all the potential to become an Entrepreneur. Being An Entrepreneur can be trained, and of course, references are available in many media. However, if the entrepreneur becomes easy A? Easy answer is yes, as long as more than a buddy Mbojo work that people do in general. For example, now buddy wants to earn money Mbojo 50 million, if morale buddy Mbojo only as high as 5 million, would not be possible to get 50 million as desirable. Well, to encourage longer for my friends who want to track entrepreneurship, can now breathe easily, because we will give you info about 10 Distinctive Mental owned Should a enterpreneur.