
Showing posts with label Gadget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gadget. Show all posts

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How to Safely Using the Touch Screen Gadget

How to Safely Using the Touch Screen Gadget

Makarovshare.blogspot.com - Advances in technology is growing rapidly. Today, cell phones or other electronic devices mostly been using touch screen technology. Although there are still some who use a mobile phone keypad, touch screen phones but it seems an option most people.

Just by touching the screen alone, the users are able to connect from one menu to another menu. Using the touch screen also allows users to operate. However, know also that the touch screen is actually very susceptible damage and malfunctions.

If you are among those who use smart phones or other gadgets touch screen, then it would be nice to keep using it with caution. If not, then your favorite gadget will come quickly 
broken.here's how to safely use the touch screen gadgets to prevent rapid deterioration:

1. Stay away from magnets

Keep smart phones or gadgets you from objects that contain magnets, such as radio or television. Magnetic radiation will make the screen no longer sensitive to the touch. In addition, smart phone or gadget also be difficult to operate.

2. Using a screen protector

For the safety of mobile phone screen, you can use the screen coating that can protect your phone from scratches and exposure to sunlight. Use a screen protector which is usually made of thin plastic so your phone's screen is not quickly broken.

3. Using the correct finger

When operating a cell phone or other gadgets, do not ever use fingernails to touch the screen. It will leave scratches and reduce the sensitivity of the screen. If there is dust or dirt, then wipe with a dry cloth that has a smooth texture.

4. Do not put it in the pocket

The touch screen is very fragile blisters, cracked, or damaged. For that, you need to carefully carry it when traveling. It would be nice to coat it with your smart phone using the case. Do not put it in the pocket because it can make the screen is easily damaged.

5. Do not be pressured

Using the touch screen gadget that should be with caution. Do not press if you want to run because it can damage the screen. To be preserved, you can simply knock lightly with fingers alone.

6. Keep away from sunlight

Do not direct about your favorite gadgets with sunlight. This can damage the quality of the LCD screen. For that, you are advised not to use these gadgets during the day outdoors.

That's how to safely use a smart phone or a touch screen gadgets. If you take care and not haphazardly put it, the screen on the gadget will not easily broken. If the screen is no longer sensitive to the touch, then you will spend money to fix it. For that, keep good care of your favorite touch screen gadget that.

Cheat Game COC With Xmodgames

Cheat Game COC With Xmodgames

Makarovshare.blogspot.com - Clash of Clans or commonly abbreviated with the COC is a android game that until now very popular once. so this game into the top games on the play store.

Game Clash of Clans, was also not spared from hacking activity. of fake sites that offer software to cheat clash of clans. certainly a lot of software that actually trap your account which turned out to be stolen.

There are also the share download links but in fact we should survey repeatedly. and browsing endless to download the cheat.

At this time I will discuss about the cheat Clash of Clans. and I find this information if the game COC can cheat with the help of xmodgames application, this application can actually be said to cheat and not.

Because the function of this application helps user xmodgames game Clash of Clans to play. and may not be detrimental from the makers of this game Clash of Clans.

In this xmodgames application you can find gold, dark elixir elixir and easily. in addition you can also use the sandbox feature that serves as a simulated attack to attack the enemy. but after attacking game COC direct force close.

To use the application xmodgames also very easy. simply download and install it you can use it. here's how to use the application xmodgames for game Clash of Clans.

Tools used:

1. Xmodgames - free

2. Root Access

How to use the application xmodgames

1. Download and install app store xmodgames in play for free.

2. Open the application xmodgames. and open an existing COC in xmodgames application list. and install a mod on the bottom.

3. Select the launch to start the game COC. If successful you will see the circle button at the top right of your screen.

4. Set your own.

To use this mod for COC you have to start from the application xmodgames. if the direct start of the game COCnya then you can not use a mod of this xmodgames.

Tools Jailbreak iOS 7.1 Officially Released To The Public

Tools Jailbreak iOS 7.1 Officially Released To The Public

Makarovshare.blogspot.com - Jailbreak iOS 7.1 which has been long awaited finally released today. Instead of a group of developers and Evasi0n RedSnow, but from a group called Pangu.io in China. Is this a valid and not a hoax like some time ago? Many users have to prove that it is true and tools can do a good Jailbreak on iPhone, iPod Touch or [iPad] 4] with operating system 7.1 - 7.1.1.

For starters, a group of developers has just released Pangi for users of the Windows operating system. But reportedly they will immediately bring it to the OS X. Because it comes from China, some computers that do not have the same font will only display icons "??" for any text that appears.

Make sure you've done a backup before doing Jailbreak. MakeMac team is not responsible if something is wrong with your iOS device after the jailbreak.

Here's a guide to jailbreak iOS 7.1 using Pangu.io

  1. Download the latest version of Pangu on their official website.
  2. 7.1.1 Connect your iOS device using a USB data cable to a computer that has been downloaded Pangu.
  3. Open the application and then uncheck Pangu checklist at the center of the display application.
  4. Tap the icon black text box to start the jailbreak process.
  5. After that Pangu will ask you to turn the self-timer on iOS devices. It's easy, open the Settings app> General> Date and Time Set Automatically turn off the knob.
  6. Now you have to change the calendar on iOS devices to date of June 2, 2014.
  7. Back to the home screen and then find the application icon on the screen Pangu you. Press and select the text Continue to continue the process of jailbreak.
  8. Now you just wait for the jailbreak process is complete. Do not unplug the data cable and turn off the Pangu applications in computer software to jailbreak process is complete.
  9. When finished now you stay looking Cydia icon on the home screen and safely install your favorite tweak.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets

6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets

Makarovshare.blogspot.com - can not be spared, that in today's digital era, all had to rely on gadgets to facilitate doing and get something. Almost all can be done using the gadget. Communicate, seek answers any questions relating to health and was always able to use the gadget. Yes, indeed, not all can be known using the gadget. There are some things that can not use the gadget (you was knowing what i mean hehehe). Using gadgets over also was less good, especially for our vision, when it relates to the eyes, automatically associated with the length of the gadgets we use and how we wisely use all the gadgets that we have. This time we are talking about health, there are approximately 6 Important Tips To Keep Good Eyesight While Having A lot of gadgets that can read and apply makarovshare friend in life makarovshare friends, happy reading well smile icon 6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets

1. Any use of gadgets, occasionally look the other way

When friends are using gadgets makarovshare owned, whether it Tablets, Mobile phones or other devices associated with a technology that has a screen, preferably resting occasionally for approximately 15 s / d 20 minutes to not look at the screen of the gadget we have. Focus your eyes to the things that are far from our eyes. If there is a flower garden or trees around makarovshare friend, a walk way, without any gadgets activity. It will help the eye muscles to be able to relax and get back to normal. Love your eyes, your vision care.

2. Make eye meditation

The trick is relatively easy, that is by turning a blind eye by using the palms of our hands, the lying position, then adjust our breath becomes normal. Forget the problems that exist in the brain, and breathe slowly. Meditation eyes like this is perfect for us who spend a day just for gadgets and other technology. This proved that meditation eye make eye back fresh and eye nerves back to normal, as in refresh

3. In order not to strain the eye muscles, blinking was often as possible

Tips to-3 of 6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many gadget is often blink. Without realizing it, because we focus our gadget or perhaps a laptop when working on a task, the amount will be reduced blink our eyes sob. The trick for the eyes remain healthy despite using a lot of gadgets, multiply the blink of an eye when using the gadget, when it began to consciously focus too much or too tense, remind yourself to blink our eyes. It's effective for you that a day spent time in front of a laptop or cell phone high-tech

4. Adjust Brightness or lighting of gadgets used

When the screen is too dark, eye muscle we are trying to focus look at the screen of a cell phone or computer monitor that we use. Eye is special, can regulate the amount of light and always try to stabilize what is seen, but if forced to see something that dim, then the muscles work harder, make eye muscle performance progressively weaker because they were forced to focus stabbed light intensity. If it is too dark, increase the lighting of the screen, never fear because the battery runs out quickly, because the eye is more valuable instead.

5. Keep the routine consumption of fruit Vitamins

Actually, all readily available in nature, it's just that sometimes we forget because the activities are continuously repeated, so busy busy that we forget to maintain our health. In order to keep their activities in an optimal eye, still regularly eat fruit that has a lot of vitamins related to the eye. Insert the fruit in your room, do not need much, but at least every day could consume enough fruit. 6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets

6. Adjust the distance of the eye with a computer screen or mobile phone

Carefully look at the monitor if it is too long, might crush on the same monitor your beauty or handsomeness, just a joke. Yep, set the distance between the eyes of the phone and the monitor is an important trick to give health to our eyes. Do not get too close and not too far. When you use a small computer screen, may indeed have to see it close, but still adjustable. But if it could be kept away, so keep. Goodness eye better than the gadgets that we have.

Instead, keep our eyes, because we only have two eyes and no reserves. Thank you for reading our article about 6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets. It would be very helpful, greeting 6 Important Tips To Stay Well Despite Vision Has Many Gadgets.

Source : mbojosouvenir.net

Friday, October 31, 2014

Causes of Children Being Addicted to Gadgets

Causes of Children Being Addicted to Gadgets

Moms, if your child rarely interacted with his friends? Is your child more often alone and only accompanied by his PSP or mobile phones?

Well Ladies, it looks like your child is addicted to gadget. It is very dangerous to your child's development because he will be shy when interacting with the outside world. Maybe you give the gadget to your son for several reasons such as too busy with work or other things. But Ladies, do you ever try to change the physical activity in your child by giving him a gadget to play.

Because the gadget will take a lot of valuable time and space for parents. Even children who are addicted to gadgets will make them not have time to do other activities such as playing with the theme.

Things that make you as a parent gives the child a gadget you sometimes come from your child's friends at school who wear gadgets and make your child have at the desire to have these gadgets, and you are forced to meet the desires of your child.

The fact is the case is a working mother tend to feel guilty about their absence at home and to overcome that you have to follow the demands of your children. Well Ladies, there is no harm in providing facilities to your child, but your interaction is very important to him and also do not always obey her willingness to have gadgets.

They really wanted was the time to be with you, Ladies. Since you are their inspiration and a best friend to them.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable

10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable
It can be ascertained, the gadget can be durable if used smartly. Unfortunately, all electronic devices must have a period to be an error / broken, any sophisticated gadgets such. One of them is the iPhone, iPad, Android that currently use the buddy mbojo. Various gadgets are competing to showcase their best features. However, how sophisticated the iPhone, iPad, and Android certainly there are weaknesses in components such as batteries, cables and others. This time we will discuss about 10 Tips For iPhone, iPad & Android More Durable, be prepared to see more well bro :), the following tips:

4 Tips to Safe Charging Gadgets


To remain durable to use gadgets, surely we should be more attention to the gadget that is used. Without the battery may have a gadget that you idle away hahaha. Gadgets Batteries use intensity affects the durability of used batteries you know bro, so for my friend who over-use mbojo use a little gadget should anticipate the occurrence of damage to the battery used gadget. Below mbojo buddy will know about 4 Tips on Safe Recharging Batteries Gadgets. It will be very useful for my friend who often mobile mbojo use gadget, well good luck.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Update 5.0 Latest Google Play Store !!


Google has just released the newest version of Google Play Store, in this new version, the Google Play Store 5.0 brings many new changes, ranging from layout view, the features to change the icon of Google Play Store itself.

7 Android Smartphone with Camera Front Enchanting


Selfie trend led to the birth of Android smartphones with front camera capabilities that can not be underestimated. The goal is of course to make the user more satisfied with the results of the photo taken of themselves. Some manufacturers have even released a smartphone with features selfie recently as Mito Fantasy Selfie 2 and HTC Desire Eye.

If you're looking for a smartphone with a front camera for optimal selfie, there are several options that you can choose a smartphone. Actually, there are more than 100 smartphones with front-facing camera capable. But not all the smartphones sold in the country. We've got some recommendations for selfie Android smartphone that you can try.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to Repair Your Cracked iPhone Display

We've all experienced those three seconds of dread as you bend down to pick up your dropped iPhone .The sinking feeling of regret and loss when you see that spidery crack across your once unblemished screen.
It’s heartbreaking, tragic and it can happen to anyone. And if you don’t have AppleCare+ or another warranty to fix the damage, you may end up with some bandaged fingers or the need to buy a new cell phone. But complicated as it seems, it's possible to fix a cracked iPhone display. If you don’t want to bite the bullet and get a new phone, or take it to a repair shop, you can fix it yourself at home with just a few tools and a lot of patience.

How To Replace Your iPhone 5's Screen


No matter how careful we try to be, everyone drops their iPhone or iPod touch from time to time. Usually, the consequences of a drop aren’t serious, but in some cases, screens get cracked or shatter. Some of these cracks are relatively minor, cosmetic problems that don’t really affect whether you can use your device. Others, however, are so extensive that it becomes very hard to see the screen and use the iPhone.
If you’re facing a cracked screen that’s so damaged that it’s hard to use your device, you have a number of options for repairing it. A lot of businesses offer low-cost screen replacement, but before you use those, read this article. If you’re not careful, you could end up violating your warranty from Apple and losing all the support and benefits it offers.

How to root your Android phone or tablet

Is the allure of being a superuser tempting you? Android rooting opens up a world of possibility, but it can also void your warranty, or even leave you with a bricked device. Yes, when it comes to rooting your Android, you’ll want to know the benefits as well as the risks.
Manufacturers and carriers have a vested interest in dissuading you from rooting. The act of rooting can be inherently dangerous. Even so, for the careful user, the risk is minimal, and the potential benefits are impressive. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to root your phone. Some devices can be rooted in minutes. Others take a little research. One thing is clear: rooting your phone can be one of the best ways to tap into the deep potential of your Android device.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tips to save battery BlackBerry phone, Android


Very annoying when we used the phone very wasteful batteries and must be charged multiple times in one day. This may be a bit tolerable for the activity in the room, but not for individuals who are always mobile.

Ideally each phone (normal use) can be used at least a full day without needing to be charged, but the majority of mobile phones are now able to survive used only 6 to 7 hours. Therefore, in order to maximize battery usage is no one you try this.

Mobile battery saving tips:

1 Reduce brigthness or brightness of the screen.

LCD screen arguably one of the most important sources of battery drain, fortunately this can be tricked by reducing the screen brightness (brightness). In some hp smartphones like the BlackBerry and Android will be able to save 30-40% of battery life.
2 Close the application that is running in the background.

Applications that are not used but is still running in the background will continue to use the battery. Users often forget to close it after using the application or had had in-close but actually only minimizes (by pressing the back button / home). so
3 Turn off Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC when not in use

Features Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC though not used will still suck hp battery capacity when the condition is active. So make sure you turn it off when you're done using it.
4 Set mobile network connection to manual

When you are planted in the 3G signal is not stable, where every few minutes automatically jump from 3G into EDGE / GPRS. Then you should set the network signal into EDGE / GPRS only.
5. upgrade firmware / OS

Sometimes short battery life that was caused by the firmware (OS) is problematic. It is very possible, especially if you bought the latest hp. In a few weeks / months the vendor will release a firmware update usually better, so it does not hurt you upgrade the OS you have.

When the battery saving tips above were not enough, the reader may need to Technology Info considering buying the extended battery (larger) or have a spare battery.