

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Here's The Importance of Humor in the Works


A few weeks ago I visited Somewhere, visiting old friends who are now working in the drug industry. Tells everything about the job, about the daily life and tuck with the question "When is Marriage?" Hehehe. We talk about anything, share laughter, shared joy and most updated information about the college where we were in college. Many lessons and sharing what we do. Some things I had to ask my friend. "In the workplace, there are seldom really love ya bro comedy? Aging because I saw you look? "As a result he too laughed. I am sure, he is less supply something funny in his office. Well, here, I will share about the importance of humor in the work. Come in see. (By The Way, do not be provoked by the picture above yes friend, okay ?! :)

1. Friends rigid in your work will not work

This is not about my friend mbojo should be a comedian, or have to wear a clown to entertain his co-workers know hehehe. Okey, indeed sector in employment agencies we should be more focused, more serious and mutually contend with each other that should make us more wrinkles brow wrinkled. Creating the atmosphere of humor in the workplace, proved to be very helpful so that the condition is not too rigid, all the liquid without mutually closed. If it is the speaker or co-workers we are not rigid, of a sense of comfort will arise in his mind.

2. Humor makes you more creative

At work, we use the measures that have been systemized work in such a way, and we have to follow the procedure. Humor is very helpful for improving your creativity know bro. Humor makes your brain relax, relaxed state that this is more help to think out of the box. If it's creative rise, you can be a multitasking personal and very dependable. Believe me.

3. Increase the sense of community and trust

buddy mbojo, no doubt, if it become a person who is definitely a lot of his humor, he could get in a flexible forum, can form a unity, and it could be a problem solver aka healer problem. Why should remain serious, and it is also important, all about how we can offset between when to give something that makes people
smile, and when to be a high level of positive thinking.

4. In business, humor can build a loyal consumer

In business, a sense of humor is needed really. Consumers do not want anything where he's shopping or using services that are too rigid or serious. Loyal customers can we form by inserting humor into the conversation when the conversation alias negotiation or when speaking of our products.

5. Humor can "Removing Identity"

It's important when buddy mbojo gathered with employees or colleagues, create a liquid state will "Removing Identity" aka no position, the ideal leader is able to blend into any segment, he is not awkward to be picking up trash or just get together with their employees, sitting discuss cross-legged with funny things or things that already obsolete crisp though hehehe. It is also included in The Importance of Humor in the works

6. If it's humor, stress run away!

Now you can relax mbojo not?! Fine, do not strain so, will again enter the salary account. We continued to the importance of humor in the work. buddy mbojo the work environment filled with tension (rich in action movies only), proved very Humor can reduce stress, if the stress is gone, body infect disease would hard bro.

7. Humor makes you more comfortable

No doubt, if my friend joke mbojo has expertise providing fresh, definitely makes you more comfortable, even though the brain is filled with dateline or something that makes you scratch your head (So clean the hair hahaha). Humor makes you more comfortable, more energetic.

8. Improve Skills and Productivity

Want to add to the skill or increase productivity? Not only you have to open the pages of this book, though it's important. Humor also can really make you more productive. Being someone you love will make people comfortable, if people are comfortable, people will easily give a fresh info, info that you have not previously know. Growing science, skill, requiring.

As someone who continues to promote Humor without forgetting to stay focused, believe to still make your brain relax bro, thank you so well already read The Importance of Humor in Work, may be useful well.

Source: mbojosouvenir.net

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