

Sunday, November 2, 2014

How to Take Care Computers and Laptops

How to Take Care Computers and Laptops
Makarovshare.blogspot.com - hallo friend makarovshare, this time I will give tips on how to take care of a laptop or computer that you are so durable and not easily damaged, most lay people do not know how to take care of the computer, they just know its just wear regardless of what happens on a laptop or their computers, now therefore I will give you his tips. beating around the bush so I say yes. Okay, what I am good tips for caring for a laptop or computer, read below and read carefully hehehe

1. The first you have to close programs that are not in need
any program in the run will take a memory or what we call the RAM, well, if more and more programs that auto right way requires a lot of memory it causes your computer or laptop work became slow and heavy. yes it will eventually shorten the life of the existing components on your laptop or computer. way of looking at it, yes just open a way to see it in task menager.

2. Uninstall programs you do not use,
Disk space is too much will slow down the read / write drive you so that your computer will work load is heavier so that the disk will also be broken.

3. instal anti-virus and anti-virus updates are periodic guys
Use of anti-virus updates are to be able to recognize the latest viruses that exist on your computer or laptop. if the virus has spread within your laptop or computer it cause you have to reinstall your laptop or computer. the virus can also cause your hard drive will be broken.

4. Use UPS / Stabilizer.
Use UPS power failure to anticipate a sudden that can cause damage to your computer components, especially on the hard drive. If you do not have a UPS, use the Stabilizer to anticipate and stabilize the power supply voltage fluctuations.

5. Defrag your hard drive regularly.
Defrag function is to organize and sort your files by type of hard drive files / data in such a way to facilitate the read / write on your computer so that the workload of your computer will also be lighter which can ultimately extend the life of the hard drive.
I click the Start menu> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter. When running this function there must be no other programs running including active screensaver on your computer because it would disrupt the function ini.atau defrag you can use Advanced SystemCare application, if the application using the makarovshare.

6. Remove the one Recycle Bin or junk files on a regular basis
Actually the files / folders you deleted does not disappear from the hard drive because it will be the first in the Recycle Bin is the purpose for a moment if you still need to return again. Recycle Bin is that many will take up disk space which can lead to reading the hard drive so slow / slow.
I run that in Windows Explorer> click on the Recycle Bin> click File> click Empty Recycle Bin Or can run the Disk Cleanup function Way to Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Cleanup> and then select the drive you want to clean> then Tick the option Recycle bin if necessary, also check the other (such as temporary files, temporary internet files), then click OK.

7. Enable screensaver on your computer.
As well as being aesthetically pleasing, the screensaver has another important function. CRT television also uses a phosphor to display images. If the monitor displays the same image for a while then there phosphorus that burns continuously. This can lead to problems that your monitor image is dimmed / less clear. Another case if your monitor is LCD, LED which is equipped with energy saving, the screensaver is not needed anymore. How to activate the screensaver can be done in many ways, one click Start> Control Panel> Display> Screensaver tab, and then choose according to taste.

8. Install ground wires
Computer casing sometimes shocked when held, attach ground wires to anticipate shock casing. Way to take the necessary cable lengths, the tip of the body associated with the CPU (the casing) while the other end is planted in the ground. This will neutralize the electric current of "stray" on your computer is lost and does not shock anymore and it also can create electronic components on your machine more durable and long lasting.

9. Clean the motherboard and other peripherals from the dust periodically
At least six months should do it. Open the casing first and then clean the motherboard and other peripherals (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR / CDRW / DVRW, fan, etc.) with a soft brush. When the computer is not in use close the computer (monitor, CPU, keyboard / mouse) with a cover so that dust does not easily fit into the computer you.If not dare to open your own please bring it to the place of service.

10. Do not place the speakers too close to the monitor Active
This sounds like a normal thing to do, because the speakers are generally placed near the monitor on the left side and the right side of the monitor to make it look more presentable. But without you realizing that there is a magnetic field on the monitor speakers will affect the color of the monitor becomes uneven or mottled. Can we suggest spacing your active speakers respectively to the left and the right is 30cm so that the magnetic field on the speakers does not affect the color of your monitor.

How makarovshare companions, whether the above tips help you in caring for your computer, may be useful for friends makarovshare. sorry her little devastated about the language I use the google translate it hehehe
thank you very much for visiting.

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