

Thursday, October 23, 2014

How To Relieve The Pain Of Heartbreak


Now that you know why Broken Heart That feels pain, now is the time to eliminate the pain. Because pain is not allowed to be too long, as many other properties of wound, it can cause infection. If you've till the infection, recovery is more difficult. Physical injuries plasticity can still bandaged wound dressings and drug dripped. If the wound in the heart? Can be stored in your subconscious forever and change the way you view and behavior later. The effect could be more dangerous! So more or less this is how to relieve pain from a broken heart:

Fun Distraction

Divert your focus quickly than usual to him so to things that are more exciting. Could something from the first try, or do you want but do not have time because I was busy at dia.Mencoba new games, tinkering with cars, cook, swim, make a song, write, read books, learn music, dance bali, hiking, fly clone fruit, make robots, archery sun, reaching for the stars, roll out and save the world's oceans. By diverting these thoughts in mind, you will recover faster from pain.

Replace Daily Routines

Up earlier than your alarm, change the breakfast menu, change the path to go to school / college / office. Trying a new lunch spot. Trying new hangout. Watch movies with genre you've never seen. Various essence, you are out of the ordinary day-to-day standards. That way you can have the experience and a different perspective. Become stagnant and could not be easier to move forward. Cool!

Wailing cry

Seriously this is not the time for brave knights wearing an iron mask. With a cry you can be more relieved. Because your lungs will pump air into the brain that makes you frantic mind so much diminished. Just do not mewek in public yes. Embarrassing and troublesome to make friends. In the room wrote. But do not keep the canal. Pegel too. Anyway later you could be mistaken again watching porn mama you because you are locked himself in a room kept.


Attach your favorite music. should not clubbing song, the song can also be metal. But do not be sad songs. Make sure there beatnya song playing, so you can dance Dancing. Shake your hips to the right, to the left, jump jump, raise your hand high high, head sideboards sideboards, shuffling, moonwalk, twist, tango, whatever! Weve hell are you going to be like crazy, but with a heart that beats faster as you throw the body, dance and jump-stepping the blood will flow quickly to the brain and throughout the body. Guaranteed to reduce your pain. If you want to while clubbing or music concert can also. But be sure not to use the substance yes, because if the effect is not natural, it would only get worse happens. This seriousness.

outpouring of the heart

Yes this is the most classic way. Because by talking at length put out all the feelings in the heart can also relieve pain hurt. So if overseas sona so many movements for mutual anonymous blow off steam and strengthen. If you feel even friends and family can no longer help to listen to you, be the one to go to a psychologist. no need to wait for a consultation with an expert crazy. Eh that was mad already late anyway. How does you.

Write Letter To Yourself You in the Future

If you do not want Bothersome people with outpouring of the heart you are boring, you can try to write the letter for yourself in the future. It contained approximately outpouring of the heart yes really. But this can also be a reminder of why you broke up. So if you are again upset-upset not so clear, you can read the letter again and was reminded again why you broke up. Accordingly, you should still be stronger yes.

Yes its rather serious discussion? no's okay, because it's a broken heart is a serious problem that must be handled carefully and properly. Just as important as global warming and colon cancer. Because if not handled properly can damage the benefit of the people, destroy human civilization and threaten the peace of the world. So.

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