

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

15 Things Reasons Girls Should have a close friend Guy

Sure, it's supposed to be a male preserve of women. "Keep" does not mean you should stay 24 hours in front of the House or whatever must be obeyed. Many of the Girls who had a friend "near" the guy even more safety than when she had a lot of girlfriends. It's not about the motive to approach hehehe. Many Reasons Girls Should Have A Close Friend Guy. And, this time, matey this community can read 15 Things Reasons Girls Should have a close friend guy. Curious? Let's go read until completion

1. the guys do not like dramatizes something

Arguably, the girls are mostly soap operas, sometimes excessively when friends told him about the love story of Super. If the guy is certainly different, more guys have different styles when giving advice or criticism, and not making the chick gets to cry

2. the guy always ready to become better listeners and keep

With regards to his nature of a guy who has to keep a woman and did not harm him, the guy could be also more listeners than women. Guys are more important points gave without convoluted when a chick is in a State of matter. He would keep the trial, and without having to have any mode.

3. the Affairs of the streets and laugh it off, the guy is more like it

There are certainly reasons why invite guy streets better than girls, but you can be more awake and survive, you'll be more calm because they are more spacious place to visit. When it's a new place, a walk you could laugh it off to remove the fatigue of his monotonous lectures or work with you.

4. a lot of silly stuff and spontaneous

Different between these guys and girls, guys really like Clowning and give fresh stories you've never heard of before. A lot of silly stuff that is told by a close friend of guy than a close friend girls.
5. course specialty, want to be free

A good friend is a friend of the Multi function, alias could do a lot of things, even they can think quickly to make it all the more practical.Dude this community especially girls need to know have a friend near a guy to see special skills, such as design, play guitar, driving and more. Cool isn't it?
6. Guys are more concerned and could give solutions with different ways

When it's love problems, most were recalled to my chick can instead be going where the story. To anticipate it, dare to find a friend of guy friends, but do the guys who take advantage of the opportunity, but a more mature in action. Guys are more concerned and can give you the option of a different perspective. Very much a different solution if this community asks buddy to the guy. Possible during these unthinkable by PAL of this community.
7. Guy as a leader and can give advice

Because of the close friend of a guy pal had been been much help and provide solutions, sure of your family will be happy and will not restrict the friendship you guys. Even when you are out busy-busy with friends and other guys and girls at night, your parents allow. A close friend of guy will also give you advice that is not clear, he is very willing to know about when you want a better life. Be advised also got 15 Things Reasons Girls Should have a close friend guy.
8. Judging by the honest Guy

Highly sensitive chick with acne or maybe his weight being rained on her face. Chick must really often asked "I'm a big fat no?!" or "I've seen guns pretty well?!". Well, the guys are close friends will usually be very honest than this Community own PAL boyfriend hehehe.

9. You get lots of science and news

Although sometimes speak bluntly about something that smells of porn, but that's the guy, at least the jokes laughter sometimes tucked in every chat busy-busy when all relaxed hehehe. Guy gives more info about information, not just info about education, politics, business, they will also provide other information that the unthinkable vou, for example about the place of residence, the myth of Gossip that has been lingering in the minds of the community, and others.

10. you will know a lot more about the guy

Cieee definitely curious is not about facts guys, there really advantages when you have a close friend guy. You will know a lot more about the guy, things that confuse you, thus you can get from a close friend guy. About the character of the guy, what a guy likes and dislikes.

11. under any circumstances, he is always trying to always be

It may sound cliché and don't get this community proclaimed that the PAL with his partner well hehehe. A close friend of guy sometimes can be more enthusiastic and proactive when you are in a State of delicate. A close friend of guy very nervous when her friend feel confused and overwhelmed.

12. More could be close to the brother of lak-lakimu

After the family has been quiet when Buddy Guy that close friends of this community have, next is thus a brother of yours would like therefore it when friends play in mu. What can chat about football, music, or perhaps the latest games. Cool isn't it?!

13. When the second Husband, close friends to ask a guy

This is one of the main advantages of the nih had a friend guy, that when your girlfriend's birthday, you can inquire directly to friends about what guys were suitable for being awarded to the husband. Definitely very many options or choices offered by the friends therefore. You can even more enjoyable shopping not only for birthday gifts, keperluanmu also more fun shopping with friends near a guy you know:)

14. Attention can also be done close friend guy

Once again carefully, may really have a close friend guy, but not to go beyond the nature of another person as a couple if you have it. Attention can also be done close friend guy kok sob, but limited well, don't get jealous because precisely the husband could not be more like what is done by a close friend of the guy.

15. can be used as brother

PAL of this community who have no family or older brother, a close friend of guy really could be sisters. During this time are coveting a neighbor's older brother, surely this could be really a solution, you will be able to tell you about life, College and many other things that require you to tell a man.

After reading our article this time, is there a close friend buddy this community such as the points above? We hope after reading 15 Things Reasons Girls Should have a close friend guy, can open your mind PAL this community well:)

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