

Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Take Care Laptops


Now the laptop is already very popular among teenagers and adults. Its use also varied, ranging from lessons for students affairs, for work, for entertainment facilities and many others. However, of the many laptop owners can not take care of everything good and right laptop which of course can be detrimental to the owner at a later date. Well, for it is here I will give some way (tips) caring for a laptop that is good and right. Without much further ado, straight to the point to yes.

Here are some How to Take Care Laptops which can mate to practice :
1 How to Clean "Keyboard" Laptop Keyboar dirty easily, either because of greasy fingers, cigarette ash, bread crumbs, or dust. For how to clean it, take the brush and brush to the sidelines button to remove dirt, or use a portable vacuum cleaner to suck dust there. Clean the surface of the keyboard keys with a cloth dampened with glass cleaner. Better yet use a keyboard protector protection to prevent dirt.

2 Ways Screen Wiping Do not carelessly use a liquid cleaner on the screen, use a glass cleaner. Spray on a soft cloth or cotton, then polish the screen. Do not spray directly on the screen, because it can cause the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) be the streaks. Clean the same direction, ie from top to bottom or from left to right, and do not push too hard.

Heat 3 Avoid the Sun Do not leave your laptop in a car parked in the sun. Excessive heat in the car can cause damage to the components of the laptop.

4 stroke Secure Avoiding sharp objects from around the laptop. Place the protective layer on top of the keyboard before closing the case mate, so the screen was scratched. If my friend want to travel, enter the laptop on the container / bag that had been available.

Case 5. Shining dirty and greasy hands is one of the main causes of the case is no longer shiny. Use a non-detergent mixed with alkaline substances to clean water. Can also be a multipurpose cleaner for electronic devices, which are usually in the form of foam. Spray on a soft cloth, gently rub the surface of the case.

6 Ways to Save Laptop If you will keep the laptop in a long time, you should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and the air circulates well enough. Place the silicone gel to prevent mildew. So want to use it again, the battery charge by filling and emptying as many as three times in a row.

7 Avoid Magnetic Field To protect the data on your hard disk, do not put a device containing a magnetic field / strong electromagnets around a laptop. Devices producing magnetic fields, such as speakers are not shielded (unshielded speaker system) or a mobile phone. Had my friend wants to access the Internet using the facility on the phone, place the phone in a distance of about 15 cm from the laptop.

8 Do not Use Laptop On Bed On Laptop have air circulation in various parts of its body. Some are located on the bottom. When we put on a soft base (such as a bed, sofa and so on), then the bottom part of the circulation will be blocked. Of course this is not good for continuity performance laptop when the laptop is running and life mate.

9 Using the laptop should be a flat surface.

10 Keep away from liquids.

11. Do not put the laptop in a lap time.

12. Avoid shocks when carrying it.

13. Done using a laptop directly on the lid do not let it.

10 minutes of new in the lid.

14. Use Carger same watts and its voltage.

15. Avoid charging in when using the laptop battery because it resulted in its rapid weak.

16. use the software in accordance with the capacity of the laptop and use a trusted anti-virus and lightweight.

17. Defraglah laptop buddy at least once every 1 month, is to address and fix hardware error. Some tips to LCD Laptop durable.

1 Use a laptop as wise as possible, do not use a laptop 3 consecutive hours, turn off about 10 minutes, could continue further. Could use a longer but use coolingpad quality / coolingpad who uses a power source / adapter itself.

2 Use the contras settings / brightness on the LCD that is.

3 Setting the LCD time off when the laptop is not in use.

4 Take care with good LCD because the LCD is 40% of the assets of the laptop.

5. Open the LCD lid to hold it from both sides of the right and left side, instead of it, because at the top there is a block that vulnerable to damage. Well, it's only possible way (tips) to take care of the laptop is good and right that I can share. Quite easy right, we wrote live willingness to do so.

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