

Friday, March 1, 2013

Watching TV shows on a computer or tablet wirelessly

 Kami tahu pasti banyak dari kita yang ingin bisa nonton acara di kabel TV (TV Cable) di komputer, notebook atau bahkan ponsel atau tablet, tapi memang tidak mudah.

HD HomeRun Prime is a kind of TV tuner but provide different things that this tool will allow us to watch TV shows on the other monitor cable through a Wi-Fi connection.

The trick is to connect the tool of HDTV via HDMI, antenna into this tool as well as a LAN cable to the router then we are ready to watch TV wirelessly via DLNA existing features.

Excess in the Prime version of this lack of access to cable TV subscription cards that we often encounter so for those of you who subscribe to cable TV is already digital (and using the card) then the HD HomeRun Prime can be used.

HD HomeRun Prime also provides applications that can be simultaneously used to record TV shows (in HD format) either manually or scheduled.

Unfortunately only one, to watch on tablets or mobile phones, mobile phone can only Aatu tablet using IOS only.

HD HomeRun Prime is sold at a price $ 249.99.

Kami tahu pasti banyak dari kita yang ingin bisa nonton acara di kabel TV (TV Cable) di komputer, notebook atau bahkan ponsel atau tablet, tapi memang tidak mudah. Cara paling mudah adalah beli TV Tuner plus sewa tambahan decoder trus belum lagi tarik kabel antena. Repot kan?
- See more at: http://www.otakku.com/2012/12/06/hdhomerun-prime-menonton-acara-tv-di-komputer-atau-tablet-secara-wireless/#sthash.X4X9q3jJ.dpuf

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